
Why do we follow dreams? The mystery of it all? The beauty that exists within the journey? Reaching for new heights (sometimes falling but oftentimes reaching them)? For all of these reasons and more I dream, to create something new, to experience life from a different point of view, to do something fun and exciting for myself, to draw the life I’ve always secretly wanted outside of a sketchbook and into reality. Dreaming is hard work. It takes a little thing called Trust. Trust with a capital “T” because it’s its own special entity, like a good bandmate or reliable friend. “Where’s Trust?” I ask myself in moments of confusion, anxiety, or self doubt. I’m discovering that Trust meets us each time we give up the grip we have on our lives, our desire to know the outcome of what comes next, of where we’re going and why. Trust keeps me going on the darkest & brightest of days. Trust leads me along down the path looking for the treasure that I trust awaits. - Chloe